Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Snake removal in Akron Ohio

We found this Snake on the road in Akron Ohio. It was a Rat snake trying to sun itself.  You will notice the patterns on this snake, they appear to resemble a rattle snake or even a copperhead snake, but this snake is not poisonous.

Most snakes in Ohio and across the Untied States are killed just because of ignorance, If they only knew that they were so beneficial to our environment I believe that would be different.

Most Snakes that make their way into your home are usually accidents. In fact if you have a snake in your home, well the snake is probably not the issue. You most likely have a larger problem, such as rodents.

Snakes are predators period.

So if they are in your house they are after food. rodents are the number one reason snakes show up in homes, though they do sometimes probe or just are curious of a place(these are the accidents).

If you have mice in your home, and you don't do anything to prevent this, it is inevitable that you will have a predator in your house. this is how it works.

Insects bring Mice

Mice bring Rats

 Rats well.. Snakes..

Which brings us to the rat snake. It doesn't need the sun to metabolize its digestion. so its the perfect weapon and its the snake I find in 99% of all homes I investigate. They can live in crawl spaces and even attics for 6 months at a time.

The Wildlife Professionals of Ohio can help you. We will  investigate the issue and give you viable solutions to your wildlife conflicts.

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